Safely Detox Your Body, Mind & Spirit
In ONLY 10 Days

Activate The Healer Within

LunaFast is a 10 day holistic wellness and fasting program that combines ancient detoxification practices with modern science to activate the healer!

Are you ready for an effective detox, to lose body fat, boost your immune system, learn how to fast safely and increase your energy and vitality?

Join us for the ultimate reset!

June's Fasting Dates - June 4th - June 13th

Safely Detox Your Body, Mind & Spirit In 10 Days

LunaFast is a 10 day holistic wellness and fasting program that combines ancient detox practices with modern science to activate the healer within you!













Why LunaFast

There's never been a better time to detox, fast and connect with a conscious community to achieve your health goals.

With LunaFast, you'll be safely guided through five phases of fasting with our team that will detoxify and reset your body to awaken the healer within!

LunaFast is a 10-day holistic fasting program that combines ancient detoxifying practices with a naturopathic diet and herbal protocols for a powerful physical, emotional and spiritual transformation. This program was designed by board-certified medical professionals that overcame multiple chronic conditions with the LunaFast method.

Awaken Your Body's Natural Healing Abilities


Cleanse with Board Certified

Medical Professionals


Purify With Proven Ancient

Detoxification Methods


Awaken Your Spirit and Align

with Your Highest Self

What Makes LunaFast Different

From Other Fasting Programs?


Safely transition in and out of a

72-hour water fast to enhance overall

performance and longevity.


Jumpstart your metabolism to burn

stubborn fat, preserve lean body mass,

and achieve lasting results.


Make the LunaFast your own by working directly with Bianca to optimize your health on all levels and kickstart your detox journey.


Establish a daily routine of powerful

habits that support your health and

awaken self-love.


Fast with an empowering online

community for encouragement and expert guidance.


Accelerate your transformation by attuning to the

lunar cycle with live Kundalini Yoga and water blessing.

What Previous LunaFast Clients Are Saying

We have helped hundreds of people around the world achieve incredible results.

Check out our recent testimonials!

Your LunaFast Experience

  • LIVE Group Coaching

  • Complete Detox + Fasting E-Book

  • Online Membership with 15+ hours of video content

  • Ayurvedic + Holistic Self-Care Practices

  • Gut Cleansing Protocols

  • Lively Online Community Support

  • Lymphatic Drainage Practices

  • New Moon Kundalini Water Blessing

  • Easy Plant Based Recipes + Grocery Lists

Your LunaFast

  • LIVE Group Coaching

  • Complete Detox + Fasting E-Book

  • Educational Videos

  • Ayurvedic + Holistic Self-Care Practices

  • Gut Cleansing Protocols

  • Lively Online Community Support

  • Lymphatic Drainage Practices

  • New Moon Kundalini Water Blessing

  • Easy Plant Based Recipes + Grocery Lists

Program Phases + Nutrition Plan

Alkalize + Align

Prepare your body to water fast

with an alkaline diet and set

intentions with the new moon.

Water Fast

Activate ketosis andautophagy

for cellular rejuvenation during

your 72-hour water fast.

Alkalize + Align

Cleanse and replenish with

high vibrational fruits and

juices as you re-introduce

solid foods.


Build a clean foundation

with alkaline plant-based

recipes and an intermittent

fasting regimen.


Join Bianca Abbott to continue your detox and fasting journey, receive private coaching, and create a personalized program to live your most vibrant life.

Fasting + Detox Benefits

Fasting has been used as a transformational tool for centuries to cleanse the body, support a healthy immune system, and enhance your spiritual connection. Research shows that fasting is a safe, powerful, and effective way to revitalize your health.

Fasting activates your body’s master healing process, autophagy (it recycles damaged cells and purges toxins).

LunaFast allows your body to cleanse and regenerate at the deepest levels by activating the healer within!

Meet Your Luna Guide

"Combining the best of Western and Eastern therapies for enlightenment is my passion. LunaFast is the synergy of over a decade devoted to healing."

- Bianca Abbott

My healing journey has not been easy and the catalyst for tremendous awakening & growth. It’s allowed me to empower my family and community to awaken their inner healer. Let me introduce myself!

I am a Holistic Family Nurse Practitioner, kundalini yoga teacher, detoxification expert, and specialize in integrative medicine and plant-based nutrition. My mission is to empower people to heal themselves and live consciously.

My quest for healing began at 8 years old when I found out that my mother was given HIV-tainted blood while giving birth to my younger sister Charla. This was the catalyst for me to travel the world, and study and work with healers, doctors, yogis, and shamans.

Four years ago, my mother was near death, and I was on my knees for a miracle.

In the darkness, a light came on. Every morning for 40 days I would take my mom to 4 am kundalini aquarian sadhana.

In the healing vibration of this practice, my mother came back to life! With my guidance, my mother has defied all odds, is medication-free, and today the virus is undetectable in her blood. But the journey has not been an easy one. The stress of living with this family secret and losing my father to addiction at the age of 20 resulted in deep trauma and dis-ease. Over the years, I was diagnosed with: ADHD, OCD, PTSD, anxiety, depression, IBS, chronic pain and fatigue, MRSA, autoimmunity, and an eating disorder.

I tried western medicine, and for many years believed in it--even going so far as becoming a licensed Family Nurse Practitioner! But I found that it was not the solution I was told it would be. In fact, these diagnoses kept me disempowered, sick, and a victim of my story.

After over a decade of taking synthetic drugs, seeing my mother and sister suffering--and not finding relief myself—I decided enough was enough. I made a plan to get my family off of the synthetic drugs and devoted myself to natural healing.

By combining fasting, alkaline vegan nutrition, herbalism, Ayurveda, ceremonial plant medicine, and kundalini yoga with self discipline, self love, and perseverance, I brought myself and my family back to health!

What Is Toxicity Costing You?

In today’s world, we are overloaded with synthetic chemicals and mental toxicity. Over time this causes cellular damage, inflammation, slows down your metabolism, and weakens your immune system.

This leads to premature aging, autoimmune conditions, and increases the risk of chronic health issues.

As your physical body suffers so does your mental and spiritual health.

LunaFast is a 10-day holistic cleanse that helps you release harmful toxins, lose fat, ignite self-love, and align with the natural rhythm of the lunar cycle!

LunaFast DIY Membership Course







Your Complete Luna Guide E-Book

(valued at $150)

Introductory Guidance Group Call

(valued at $350)

Daily Protocols, Recipes & Practices

(valued at $2500)

LunaFast Video Vault for Successful Fasting (valued at $1000)

Private Facebook Community Group

(valued = priceless)

WhatsApp Private Community & Guidance from a Nurse Practitioner 

1:1 Wellness Pre-Fast Roadmap with Bianca (valued at $2500)

1:1 Wellness Post-Fast Coaching with Bianca (valued at $2500)


Total Value: $2000

1 Easy Payment


Total Value: $4000

1 Easy Payment


Total Value: $9000

5 Spots Available


LunaFast DIY Membership Course

Your Complete Luna Guide E-Book (valued at $150)

Introductory Guidance Group Call

(valued at $350)

Daily Protocols, Recipes & Practices

(valued at $2500)

LunaFast Video Vault for Successful Fasting (valued at $1000)

Private Facebook Community Group (valued = priceless)

WhatsApp Private Community & Guidance from a Nurse Practitioner

1:1 Wellness Pre-Fast Roadmap with Bianca(valued at $2500)

1:1 Wellness Post-Fast Coaching with Bianca (valued at $2500)


1 Easy Payment



Community LunaFast

Your Complete Luna Guide E-Book (valued at $150)

Introductory Guidance Group Call

(valued at $350)

Daily Protocols, Recipes & Practices

(valued at $2500)

LunaFast Video Vault for Successful Fasting (valued at $1000)

Private Facebook Community Group (valued = priceless)

WhatsApp Private Community & Guidance from a Nurse Practitioner

1:1 Wellness Pre-Fast Roadmap with Bianca(valued at $2500)

1:1 Wellness Post-Fast Coaching with Bianca (valued at $2500)


1 Easy Payment




5 spots available

Your Complete LunaFast E-Book (valued at $130)

2-Hour Introductory Group Call

(valued at $200)

Daily Protocols, Recipes & Practices

(valued at $2500)

LunaFast Video Vault for Successful Fasting (valued at $1000)

Private Facebook Community Group (valued = priceless)

WhatsApp Private Community & Guidance from a Nurse Practitioner

1:1 Wellness Pre-Fast Roadmap with Bianca (valued at $500)

1:1 Wellness Post-Fast Coaching with Bianca (valued at $500)


5 Spots Available


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